Routing in Linux Routing in Linux Routing Table contains routes for forwarding the IP packets on each network interface. Commands to update the Routing Table are explained. Continue Reading
logrotate logrotate logrotate is for rotation of log files daily, weekly, monthly, or when a log file becomes bigger than the predefined limit. Continue Reading
penguin sar command in Linux The sar command gives information about CPU, I/O, paging, devices, memory, swap space, network, run queue, interrupts and power management. Continue Reading
pidstat pidstat The pidstat command gives the CPU utilization, I/O statistics, page faults and memory utilization for processes and threads in Linux systems. Continue Reading
mpstat command mpstat The mpstat command in a Linux system gives the CPU utilization report and the hardware and software interrupts per second for processors. Continue Reading
iostat command iostat The iostat command for getting the CPU and input-output statistics for Linux and Unix systems is explained. Continue Reading
vmstat command vmstat vmstat prints information about system processes, memory, swap, I/O blocks, interrupts and context switches and the CPU activity. Continue Reading
uptime and w commands uptime and w commands in Linux The uptime and w commands in Linux help in finding about the system uptime, load average and information about the logged in users. Continue Reading
free command Finding the free and used memory with the free command The free command can be used to find the free and used memory in a Linux system. The free command is explained with an example. Continue Reading
Load average Load Average Load average is an indication of whether the CPU(s) is/are adequately available for the processes during the previous n minutes. Continue Reading
top command in Linux top Command in Linux The top command is used for monitoring a UNIX-like system continuously for processes' usage of system resources like the CPU time and memory. Continue Reading
ps command in Linux ps command usage with examples in Linux The ps command gives information about processes on a Linux or Unix system. ps command is explained with examples. Continue Reading
NTP Synchronize your computer’s clock using the NTP The UTC is available as a standard from NMIs and can be used for synchronizing a computer's clock using the Network Time Protocol (NTP). Continue Reading
Alarm clock Alarm, sleep and High Resolution Timers Alarm system call, sleep functions and the high resolution timers (HRT) provide a framework for programs to carry out time-critical tasks. Continue Reading
Linux Process Execution Time Linux process execution time System calls and functions associated with execution times under Linux and Unix operating systems are explained. Continue Reading