Drupal: Web page stuck in maintenance mode A web page of a Drupal based web site getting stuck in maintenance mode. Steps required for resolution of the problem are given. Continue Reading
nginx 502 Bad Gateway Error A website started giving the "502 Bad Gateway" error after a software update. Steps required for resolution of the error are given. Continue Reading
How to redirect non-www URLs to www in Varnish How for redirect non-www URLs to www while using Varnish as a reverse HTTP proxy is explained with configuration directives. Continue Reading
Trigonometric calculations with bc How to do trigonometric calculations using bc, the command line basic calculator available with Linux and Unix systems. Continue Reading
Unity launcher stays at the left, does not auto-hide Problem: After login in the Ubuntu Linux system, the Unity launcher stays at the left edge of the display. It does not auto-hide. Solution: Click on the Settings icon in the top right corner of the display. You will find tabs like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Background, etc. in the left column. Click on Dock. In the… Continue Reading
Repairing Drupal site blocks manually in database The text format of a block was PHP code and it contained PHP code with an error. This broke the website resulting in blank screen web pages, the white screen of death (WSOD). The error was rectified by manually updating the MySQL database. The following steps were taken. From the command line, connect with the… Continue Reading
Not able to login because disk became full Solution to the problem of not able to login to a Linux system because the disk partition containing the HOME directory had become full. Continue Reading
Wireless is disabled by hardware switch Wireless network broke down and "Wireless is disabled by hardware switch" message was reported. Steps taken to resolve the problem are given. Continue Reading
Connecting two computers using the Ethernet cable Connecting two computers with Ethernet LAN cable Step by step instructions for connecting two computers back to back using an Ethernet LAN cable, using the first computer as a router. Continue Reading
Nginx 502 bad gateway error after switching off the mobile theme Resolution of the nginx 502 bad gateway error received after switching off the mobile theme on a WordPress site using the WPtouch plugin. Continue Reading
Nginx installation and configuration Installation and configuration steps for nginx HTTP server and associated packages, apc and PHP-FPM, are given. Continue Reading
Formatting the man command output for printing The man command output is useful in multiple ways. Steps for formatting the man command output for printing are listed. Continue Reading
Starting a network server after communication interface is up How to start a program automatically in Linux after system start up and after network system has become available. Continue Reading
Error md5sum: no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found Resolution of the error, md5sum: no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found, given while running the md5sum command. Continue Reading
Remote display Remote Display With the X – Window System How to display the graphical output of a program to a remote user with the X-Window System server running on the remote host. Continue Reading