The iostat command for getting the CPU and input-output statistics for Linux and Unix systems is explained.
vmstat prints information about system processes, memory, swap, I/O blocks, interrupts and context switches and the CPU activity.
The uptime and w commands in Linux help in finding about the system uptime, load average and information about the logged in users.
The free command can be used to find the free and used memory in a Linux system. The free command is explained with an example.
Load average is an indication of whether the CPU(s) is/are adequately available for the processes during the previous n minutes.
The top command is used for monitoring a UNIX-like system continuously for processes' usage of system resources like the CPU time and memory.
The ps command gives information about processes on a Linux or Unix system. ps command is explained with examples.
Anacron runs jobs periodically, that is, once a day, week or a month. Anacron works even if the computer is switched off for some time.
cron is a daemon that executes programs for users at predefined times. cron works on the basis of crontab, which is a text file.