Finding the free and used memory with the free command
The free command can be used to find the free and used memory in a Linux system. The free command is explained with an example.
The free command can be used to find the free and used memory in a Linux system. The free command is explained with an example.
The top command is used for monitoring a UNIX-like system continuously for processes' usage of system resources like the CPU time and memory.
The ps command gives information about processes on a Linux or Unix system. ps command is explained with examples.
The man command output is useful in multiple ways. Steps for formatting the man command output for printing are listed.
cron is a daemon that executes programs for users at predefined times. cron works on the basis of crontab, which is a text file.
rsync is a file synchronization tool for making that the destination files become an exact replica of corresponding files at the source.