I/O multiplexing: select, poll and epoll in Linux
I/O multiplexing is doing I/O with many sources and giving good response. I/O multiplexing is explained with select, poll and epoll calls.
I/O multiplexing is doing I/O with many sources and giving good response. I/O multiplexing is explained with select, poll and epoll calls.
POSIX real-time signals are defined apart from the existing standard signals. The real-time signals are in the range SIGRTMIN to SIGRTMAX.
Temporary files are often required for storing interim data. How to create a temporary file in a C program is explained with example code.
Unix domain sockets provide a fast and simple mechanism for interprocess communication on a Unix-like host system using the socket interface.
Buffered I/O and synchronized I/O and the input output system calls, open, creat, read, write, lseek, close and unlink are explained.
Files are used to store information on persistent secondary storage. FIles and processes are basic concepts in Unix-like systems.
A step by step tutorial on how to connect a 7" touchscreen display to Raspberry Pi 4B single board computer.
The uname command is used to print information about the host system. uname is derived from "unix" and "name".
Raspberry Pi is a single board computer developed by the Raspberry Pi Foundation in the U.K. Raspberry Pi 4B was released in June 2019.
Solution to the problem of how to get the main window of Gimp graphics editor on top of the toolbox and layers windows.